Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reaction - Best Book of the Decade : 1960 - 1969

There have been an obscene number of hits on the last poem that I wrote and posted. I can't decide if it is because I have a picture of buttered toast accompanying it, or because of all the food and tongue imagery and the fact that I get a lot of searches simply because I'm a lesbian, lol. No matter, I just thought it was very curious.

Today, I am reviewing the list : Best Books of the Decade 1960. That means all of the books on this list were published between 1960 through 1969

They picked .... To Kill A Mockingbird

My Reaction --- Man, oh man, they made it hard for me today. There are SO many good books published in this decade that deserve to be recognized, including One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Slaughterhouse Five, A Clockwork Orange, The Phantom Tollbooth - and that's just to name a few of my favorites. All in all though, I think that To Kill A Mockingbird deserves Swick Best Book of the Decade Award: 1960 without saying much.

Why This One? --- 

Do I really need to say much more other than that? This is a beautiful film.

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